human-centred design.

Fruitful — LDR Smart Jacket + App


Fruitful — LDR Smart Jacket + App

A human-computer interaction project.

Role: Visual Designer & Thought Leader

Duration: 10 weeks

Overview: Long distance relationships often times lack the intimacy of a closer relationship. Maintaining a romantic, healthy relationship is tricky when there is no physical romance. There are products, apps and services that are currently on the market which address other aspects of the relationship, mainly in communication, but not physical touch. Through this project, we find a way to bridge that gap.



A smart jacket that aims to fill the void of long distance relationships that is physical touch and quality time.


Phase I:

Initial Research

We started off the research process by targeting “long distance relationships” as a broad spectrum of family, friends, as well as significant others. We spent the first five weeks conducting in-depth contextual research.


Phase II: Narrowing Down + Further Research

In the next five weeks, we responded to the collected data from our initial research and decided to narrow down on long-distance relationships of significant others. We conducted further research and formed user personas of two couples who are in long distance relationships; four individuals (below — click to enlarge) based on the relevant candidates whom we had interviewed.


User Experience Journey Map

We followed two of our personas, Maria and Lucas, and drew out a user experience journey map. It highlights the positive and negative points they experienced throughout their entire day, and indicates the opportunities we could explore with our proposed solutions.


Proposed Solution: LDR Smart Jacket

Closing the gap between you and your significant other, making you feel closer to each other.

Key Features

  • Physical touch via warmth and pressure.

  • Gesture/ touch/ pressure-sensitive.

  • Adapts to other wearer’s body temperature.

  • Simulates the idea of the significant-other being there.